Flag Day 2025
Join us in celebration of our 24th Anniversary of the
Flag Day 5K and Fun Walk in support of homeless veterans!
June 12, 2025
(rain date June 19, 2025)
Running and walking has long been seen as a great health benefit, boosting your physical and mental health, reducing stress and more. While you are boosting your own personal health, you can help support homeless veterans by participating in Community Hope’s 24th Annual Flag Day 5K and Fun Run!
Community Hope is New Jersey’s largest non-profit providing housing and support services to homeless veterans and veteran families. All proceeds from the Flag Day 5K and Fun Walk go directly to our Hope for Veterans Program.
Participation is easy, simply register to run or walk as either an in-person or virtual participant. Virtual participants will receive an email about how to participate, when to complete your run/walk and how to record your time.
All participants receive a swag bag, including a free t-shirt!
Sponsorship Opportunities for the event are available!
Thank you for helping us celebrate the 24th Anniversary of the event and helping veterans who honorably served our country overcome homelessness!