Community Hope Announces Laurie S. Becker
Has Joined its Board of Directors
Parsippany, NJ – Community Hope and its Hope for Veterans Programs announce the appointment of Laurie S. Becker to its Board of Directors.

Laurie S. Becker
Ms. Becker recently retired as a Mental Health Administrator at the County of Morris Department of Human Services where she held the position of Director, Division of Community and Behavioral Health Services since 2004. She has also served as the County Adjuster from 2013-2019. In these positions, Ms. Becker has been a strong advocate for mental health within the County of Morris, managing over $12 million in public funding. She has worked closely with constituents, community providers, State and County officials to sustain and strengthen the human service and mental health continuum for the local community.
“Ms. Becker has been a strong partner with Community Hope and an exceptional advocate for children and adults in Morris County suffering with mental illness. We are so fortunate to be able to collaborate with her and bring her unique experience to those we serve daily at Community Hope. As our organization looks to serve more adults suffering with severe mental illness, Ms. Becker will be able to guide and assist us to be able to improve their lives and support their families.” Carmine V. Deo, Community Hope Executive Director.
In her roles at the Morris County Department of Human Services, Ms. Becker oversaw and implemented the Annual Morris County Public Mental Health Forum, founded the Morris Stigma Free Communities initiative, initiated the countywide cross systems review initiative, and served as the lead mobilizer of the Morris County Disaster Response Crisis Counselor Team as needed in times of local emergencies.
Ms. Becker has been awarded the Mental Health Association of NJ 9/11 Leadership Award and the Newbridge Services Helping People Move Forward Award. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology from the University of New Hampshire along with numerous training and professional certifications.
The Community Hope Board of Directors is led by Diana Lunt, President, Kathleen Day, Vice-President, Karen Campbell, Secretary and Nicholas Lorusso, Treasurer.